Thursday, May 31, 2018

short story slam week 91, poetry and story inn fridays week 24

Image result for welcome back from asia 

Image result for humor quotes 


doing a blog post

short story slam week 23

Image result for dong yi and zhang ji    

the man is soft
the woma is tough
they speak
singing some music

when the wind blows hault
they hide at rooms
they believe in themselves
writing some Arab letters

Sunday, May 20, 2018

short story slam week 89, 90, poetry and story inn fridays week 20

Image result for canes

Image result for arby's 

Image result for kfc fried chicken  kfc fried chicken

it is past 11pm
my brain is filled with hot meals
candy canes
kfc fried chicken
what is better than doing food drive?

green lettuces
red tomatoes
brown meat
mushed potatoes
life could be fulfilled after all of these stuffed in our tummy